What is Yoga?
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Jesus Christ
Sri Sankaracarya
Sri Ramanujacarya
Swami Kuvalayanandaji
Course of Study
What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient system that, with regular practice, leads both the body and mind towards a flexible, balanced condition.

How does it work?

A gradual progression of specific postures, breath control and relaxation techniques tones the body, conditions the glandular and nervous systems, steadies thought-processes, calms emotional reactivity and leads to emotional stability.

Who is it for?

Done properly, with respect and care, everyone can benefit from these simple, healthful practices.

Is Yoga a religion?

Yoga is a science. As taught at SKY,Yoga is strictly non-denominational, respecting and supporting the personal and religious beliefs of each participant.

What is SKY Foundation?

SKY is a non-profit foundation chartered in 1972 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Since that time it has taught thousands of students a system faithful to the traditional Yoga discipline advanced by Kaivalyadhama, India's famed Yoga institution founded in 1924 by Swami Kuvalayanandaji, a pioneering exponent of the modern scientific approach to classical Yoga.

Dr. Vijayendra Pratap, a student of Swami Kuvalayanandaji, is founder/director of SKY Foundation, president of the Yoga Research Society and author of Beginning Yoga, Yoga Vision, Secrets of Hatha Vidya, and Stories Retold.

Do you have any further questions?

Contact SKY Foundation

If you do, call us at 215.574.9180, fax 215.247.8054,
e-mail sky@skyfoundation.org, or write:
SKY Foundation, 339 Fitzwater Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147.

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