There is a monthly Yoga program at Garland of Letters Bookstore, 527 South Street, Philadelphia.
Each series is four sessions, beginning the first week of the month. Please call (215) 574-9180 for more information about other class locations.
12 to 1 pm Continuing Practical & Philosophy 6 to 7 pm Practical & Philosophy
includes Classical Yoga postures, breathing, relaxation and concentration practices, followed by a brief discussion of some aspect of Yoga philosophy.
Each Monthly Series ............................. $45 |
SKY Foundation programs are open to all adults of average health without regard to nationality, race, color, sex or age. Scholarships are available. Contact the SKY Foundation office.
"YOGA has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind. And it has also a message for the human soul."
Swami Kuvalayananda ASANAS, pg.32