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Jesus Christ
Sri Sankaracarya
Sri Ramanujacarya
Swami Kuvalayanandaji
Course of Study
All applicants must have completed 24 SKY classes at Garland of Letters Bookstore, 9 workshops with Dr. Pratap, 6 weeks at SKYland Summer Camp or a sufficient combination of attendance in these categories.
The program is open to all qualified students, irrespective of race, color, religion or national origin. There is no age restriction, but applicants must be able to participate fully in the physical and mental practices of Classical Yoga. The course requires enthusiasm and patience. Verbal and written capability in the English language will be necessary. Preference will be given to students recommended by SKY Foundation teachers.
Accommodations at SKYland
Accommodations are double rooms. Indoor shower and toilet facilities are shared. At the Summer Camp, a lacto-vegetarian meal will be provided at 1 PM each day, and a light snack will be available in the evening. Residential students will be taught to prepare their own meals when camp is not in session. Students are expected to keep their spaces neat and clean. Non-prescribed drugs, alcohol and smoking are not permitted. Students are encouraged to stay on the campus.
Attendees should bring their own bedding or sleeping bag, towels, toiletries, Yoga mat or blanket, clothing for warm or cool weather, rain gear and a flashlight.
The SKYTEC weekend fee is $300
($260 for Sustaining Members, $240 for SKY teachers).
The SKYland week (5 Days) fee is $300
($260 for Sustaining Members, $240 for SKY teachers).
The six month residency program is $2700
($2340 for Sustaining Members, $2160 for SKY teachers).
SKYTEC graduates may attend the 2002 program at no charge.
Scholarships are available for deserving candidates.
Registration is by approved application only. You may fill out and submit the form online. If you would prefer, you can print it to your printer and fax it to us at (215)247-8054.
If you would like a copy mailed to you,
email yogasearch@aol.com,
phone (215)574-9180,
or write:
SKY Foundation
601 Saint Georges Road
Philadelphia, PA 19119
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